Monday, October 11, 2010

How to Restore Household Harmony By Understanding Your Child's Dominant Energy Type By Jeanine Byers Hoag

Do you know your child's dominant energy type?
"Look for the dominant Energy Types in your own children, grandchildren, or just the other children around you, and honor them accordingly. Gently help parents of children to understand their chldren's types and watch how harmonious their relationships become as the parent no longer forces the child in a direction that is not true to his or her Energy Type." -Carol Tuttle, It's Just My Nature: A Guide to Knowing and Living Your True Nature
You need to understand their primary energy type but also know how their secondary energy type affects their expression of who they are. There are four energy types and though each of us has all four types as part of our nature, one of the four types will be dominant and one will be a secondary influence.
Type Ones
For type one children, you need to know that the reason they don't do a thorough job when you ask them to clean up their rooms is that they are trying to do it quickly so that they can get back to what they would rather be doing. Help them make their chores more fun by suggesting that they create a contest for themselves.
Which can they do faster, put their toys away or hang up their clothes?
Type Twos
For your type two children, it is important to understand that they are not shy. But it may take them time to become comfortable in new surroundings and when meeting new people. In large gatherings, they may prefer to hang back and observe rather than jump right into the action.
Also, they like to plan their activities, so you might ask when they would like to tackle their homework or do their chores and then, hold them to it, rather than insisting that they do it right now.
Type Threes
One thing you have to understand about your type three children is that they are practical and resourceful, so they may not get it done the way you would if they can find a way that is faster or easier for them.
Type Fours
This type is another one that often gets referred to as shy when really, they are not. "Shy" implies that there is something wrong with them, when they are just being themselves as they were created to be.
They do not like to be in the spotlight so if they are being given a lot of positive attention by another adult, they may look down at the ground and feel like they would rather be anywhere else!
But this is the child who often will tell you exactly what he thinks in a way that might be considered blunt. There is nothing shy about that, wouldn't you agree?
These are only a few of the character traits for each type. Once you know your child's type and have learned the other personality or character traits, you will understand your child so much better. It has made a huge difference in my own parenting!
"When you are not dressing your truth, you send a message that conflicts with who you truly are. What you are wearing sends a message to other people which influences their first impression of you. You may be judged in a negative light because your true nature is not being honored by your appearance." ~~Carol Tuttle
To learn more about how to discover your unique energy profile, go to Living Your Truth.
Jeanine Byers Hoag is a write-at-home homeschooling mom and an energy profile type 2. She blogs about dressing her truth at

Monday, October 4, 2010

Effective Parenting Skill - How to Raise Your Children Well By Jared D. Ingram

Raising kids nowadays is very difficult. Most of the time, kids now form their set of values from varied sources like their friends, the internet, television or from just about anybody they encounter each day. To raise a child with a good set of values you would really need an effective parenting skill or two. If you are having troubles raising your kid, here are some tips that can guide you.
One effective parenting skill that you need is being consistent. Why do you need to be consistent? Kids, when they try to learn something try to see patterns. Patterns help them remember things. If you are consistent with your rules, they will remember what you want them to learn. If you change your rules every so often they will get confused. They wouldn't know when they are doing the right thing and when they are not. Being consistent does not only mean being consistent with your rules but also being consistent with how you implement your rules. Your manner of imposing rules and giving rewards or punishments should also be constant so as not to confuse them.
Another skill that you need is keeping your words. If you say something, you have to mean it and you have to do it. If you say you will cut down their internet time if they get low grades, you have to really cut down their internet time. If you don't, they will not believe you the next time you say it to them. In other words, this means they will not follow you. They will say it is okay not to follow because they can get away with it anyway. If you want to keep your word, make sure everything that you will utter is something that you can really do and you are willing to do. If you say that you will keep them out of the house if they disobey you but at the back of your mind you do not want to keep them out then don't say it otherwise you will eat your words should they disobey you.
Another parenting skill that you must have is to try to be a friend to them. This means that you should let them feel that they can approach you anytime they would need your help. The last thing that you need to become an effective parent is to be a distant parent.
If all these things are difficult for you, at the end of the day, the most effective parenting skill you need to raise your children well is to love them.
Are you looking for more information regarding effective parenting skill? Visit today for more information!